OK - is okay Magazine the years 1965 and 1966 - All issues complete

OK - is okay Magazine the years 1965 and 1966 - All issues complete

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EAN / ISBN: 4260477990853

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Contemporary historical documents.

Please consider the historical context when reading the issues! Some formulations, views, texts, and reports may be outdated from today's perspective. However, we have decided not to add any post-commentary or make any alterations to the issues in any way, but rather to keep them in their original form, as they represent important contemporary historical documents for us. As a cross-generational companion for youth, BRAVO provides an interesting insight into cultural development. Therefore, it is important to consider the historical and societal context while reading.

Quality and format

The image quality is 300 DPI (HQ)

file format is PDF

  • Est. 2005
  • Secure payment
  • German Archives
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OK - is okay Magazine the years 1965 and 1966 - All issues complete

This compilation contains all issues of the music magazine OK - ist okay, from 1965 and 1966 (up to issue no. 34) complete and in full in PDF format for you to read. Unfortunately, due to the abundance of posters and issues, not all issues fit into the compilation. You can find the other issues in the second OK collection. Immerse yourself in the 60s in an entertaining way and experience pop history again. What was society like in the 60s? Who were the hot stars of the time? Take a journey back in time to your youth.

All contents are scanned in the typical "bravo-archiv" quality (300 DPI) and in original size.

The download version does not differ in content from the DVD version. Please note that this is not a "film DVD", but a data storage device designed for a PC/laptop. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time; we will be happy to help you.

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  • More than a simple youth magazine

    BRAVO has been accompanying youth since 1956. Therefore, the individual issues offer an exciting overview of cultural developments, as well as pop culture and music history. From the Beatles to the Kellys.

A musical journey through time.

Discover our exciting Musicbox Books. All the music boxes of each decade beautifully presented. From 1956 to 1989 in a total of five volumes. Click here