BRAVO als Mahner

BRAVO as a warning

Anyone who still believes that BRAVO only consists of celebrity cutouts, Dr. Sommer and photo love stories has probably never read the magazine. At least not carefully enough!

Because – and this has happened time and again – BRAVO has not shied away from addressing unpleasant socio-political issues, warning, admonishing and putting its finger on the open wound. And it has often done so at a time when the relevant issues had not yet entered the consciousness of the general public. Would you like some examples?

As early as 1989 (!) in issue 43 it said: " The atmosphere is becoming a heat trap ." The accompanying text states: "Our earth is getting warmer and warmer! Sounds great, but it isn't. This greenhouse effect poses many dangers... Issue 09 from 1990 takes up the same topic again. In issue 10 from 1995, ozone and acid rain are again worth reporting on. BRAVO starts the campaign "Do something!"

Also in 1995 was the "Join in!" campaign. Here, BRAVO protested against the increasing frequency of famines, droughts, air pollution and the greenhouse effect, and expressed concern about the widening of the hole in the ozone layer. All of these are the result of human environmental destruction and increasing consumption. But BRAVO not only raised a warning finger, but also recommended reducing the use of CFCs in deodorant sprays, boycotting tropical woods, walking more and leaving mopeds and cars at home, planting trees in the garden, creating biotopes where possible, and saving energy and valuable drinking water.

In issue 24 from 1983 – almost 40 years ago – BRAVO complained about the torture of animals in test laboratories. In 1988 (issue 37) BRAVO was concerned about the tragic death of seals in the North Sea. Animals are also the subject of issue 23 from 1993. This time BRAVO denounced the transport of animals across Europe. The demand: "Stop the cruel transport of animals at last!" Animal cruelty is also the subject of issue 25 from 1999. This is about the catastrophic conditions in Eastern European animal shelters, also known as death houses.

In issue 04 from 1992, BRAVO condemned big game hunting in Zimbabwe, Africa. The list could easily go on. There is hardly a topic that BRAVO does not address and take a critical stance on.

But even topics that politicians are proud of today can be found in BRAVO a long time ago. As early as 1992 (issue 13), BRAVO asked its readers: "Should hashish be allowed?" However, BRAVO does not take a position here, but lets experts exchange their arguments. Information about addictive drugs and the dangers of drinking too much alcohol are almost part of the standard repertoire of reporting in BRAVO and crop up again and again.

In summary, one must say that BRAVO more than lives up to its role and responsibility as a youth magazine and makes it clear that the world and life do not only consist of work-life balance, chill-out and me-time!

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