Masterpieces - I Don't Like Mondays

Masterpieces - I Don't Like Mondays

January 29, 1979, 8:30 a.m., San Carlos, San Diego, California, Grover Cleveland Elementary School. 16-year-old Brenda Spencer fires gunshots from her window into the schoolyard across the street, killing the principal and janitor and injuring eight students and a police officer.

When Gus Stevens , a reporter for the San Diego Evening Tribune, receives the news of the massacre via telex, he begins calling families around the school building to find out more details. He calls the Spencer family and Brenda answers the phone. She openly admits that she is the perpetrator and when Gus Stevens asks her why she is committing this senseless killing, she replies: " I don't know, I just don't like Mondays! "

At the same time, Bob Geldof is sitting in a radio studio in Atlanta to promote the latest album by the Boomtown Rats . 34 dates in 32 days! He is stressed and at the same time bored of giving the same explanations over and over again. When the telex machine next to him starts rattling, he is deeply shocked by what he reads, but at the same time feels a parallel between the senselessness of killing and the senselessness of what he is doing.

On the flight home, Bob reads an article in the in-flight magazine about a certain Bill Gates , who claims that in a few years every household will have a personal computer. The only problem is the storage capacity, but work is being done feverishly to squeeze enough storage capacity onto a silicon chip.

During the flight, Bob begins to write a song, mixing what he has just read with the events in San Diego. According to him, he wrote the lyrics within 20 minutes. The result: "I Don't Like Mondays" goes to number one in 32 countries, and second in BRAVO .

To this day, many people think that the song is simply a statement for people who go to work or school on Mondays and simply don't like the day because they have a long week ahead of them. However, the most important message of the song is the repeated "Tell Me Why", where Bob asks what the point of it all is. With this information, the song makes sense - the massacre remains senseless forever!

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