This time, our Masterpieces series is not about an extraordinary song, but about a band. The name of the band: Train! A band that hasn't had more than two or three respectable hits in Europe, but is one of the top acts in their home country of America: more than a dozen albums, over 30 million records sold, two Grammys and countless platinum and gold awards.
The band was founded in 1993/1994 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Train quickly gained a loyal audience, especially as a live band. Their melodic rock, peppered with southern and country flair, is immediately catchy and it is the choruses in particular that stick in your head for a long time. Added to this is Pat Monahan's extraordinary voice, which gives Train's sound a special touch.
The songs presented here are all from Train's debut album, which simply bears the band's name: « Train » ! If you like Train after listening to the three songs, you should also listen to « Drops Of Jupiter » , « Calling All Angels » , « Cab » or « Hey, Soul Sister » from the band's other albums.